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Politik Hukum Pers Indonesia

Author(s) : Abidin, Wikrama Iryans -

Brand mascots : and other marketing animals

Author(s) : Brown, Stephen - Ponsonby-McCabe, Sharon -

Event organizer pameran

Author(s) : Evelina, Lidia -

Komunikasi pemasaran

Author(s) : Hermawan, Agus -

Ngobrol santai soal Marcomm

Author(s) : Trisnanto, Adhy -

Innovation in Magazine Design

Author(s) : Rivers, Charlotte -

Dari konstituen ke konsumen

Author(s) : Putri, Dinita A -

Aiu EO: Mengulik Bisnis Event Organizer

Author(s) : Hafidz, Ibnu Novel -

Online Brand Communities : Using the Social Web for Branding and Marketing.

Author(s) : Aguilar-Illescas, Rocío - Molinillo Jiménez, Sebastián - Martínez-López, Francisco J. - Anaya-Sánchez, Rafael - Molinillo, Sebastián -
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