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Found 41 from your keywords: Subject : "Video games"
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Handbook on interactive storytelling

Author(s) : Smed, Jouni - Skult, Natasha - Skult, Petter Harald Emanuel - Suovuo, Tomi -

Creating game art for 3D engines

Author(s) : Strong, Brad -

Writing for animation, comics & games

Author(s) : Marx, Christy -

Fundamentals of game design

Author(s) : Adams, Ernest -

JAGS : journal of animation & games studies Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2016

Author(s) : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Fakultas Seni media Rekam. Program Studi Animasi -

The Art of eorzea : stormblood

Author(s) : Final Fantasy -

The art of The last of us

Author(s) : Druckmann, Neil -

Unreal Engine 4 for beginners

Author(s) : Nixon, David -

The art of Dragon Age Inquisition

Author(s) : Gelinas, Ben -

The art of Destiny

Author(s) : Bungie -
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