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E-Commerce business model 2020

Author(s) : Work, Jim - Brand, George -

The no B.S. guide to direct marketing

Author(s) : Kennedy, Dan S. -

ecommerce best practices

Author(s) : McFadyen -

Facilitating learning organizations : making learning count

Author(s) : Watkins, Karen E - Marsick, Victoria J -

Cara gampang cari duit dari rumah : Forex On-line tradingTren investasi masa kini

Author(s) : Widoatmodjo, Sawidji - Rizal, Joni - Ferlianto, Lie Ricky -

Retail Management : a strategy approach

Author(s) : Evans, Joel R - Berman, Barry -

Electronic Commerce : a managerial perspective

Author(s) : Turban, Efraim - King, David - Lee, Jae -

Electronic commerce : security, risk management, and control

Author(s) : Greenstein, Marilyn - Vasarhelyi, Miklos -

Electronic Commerce 2010: A Managerial Perspective

Author(s) : Turban, Efraim - King, David - Lee, Jae -

Electronic Commerce 2008: a managerial perspective

Author(s) : Turban, Efraim - King, David - McKay, Judy -

E-commerce : business, technology and society

Author(s) : Laudon, Kenneth C. - Traver, Carol Guercio -

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Author(s) : O'Leary, Daniel E -

Retail Management: A Strategic Approach (Eleventh Edition)

Author(s) : Evans, Joel R - Berman, Barry -
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