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The Coming Shape of Organization

Author(s) : Belbin, R. Meredith -

Making Innovation Work

Author(s) : Davila, Tony -

Kasus-kasus manajemen perusahaan Indonesia Seri 3

Author(s) : Handoko, T Hani - Rostiani, Rokhima - Paramita, Widya -

How to be a better leader

Author(s) : White, Rupert Eales -

The complete guide to knowledge management

Author(s) : Edna Pasher, Tuvya ronen -

Knowledge management: system and processes

Author(s) : Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Rajiv Sabherwal -

Strategic Management in Action

Author(s) : Coulter, Mary -

Successful Event Management: A Practical Handbook

Author(s) : Shone, Anton - Parry, Bryn -

Strategic management : Formulation, implementation, and control

Author(s) : Pearce, John A - Robinson, Richard B -
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