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Investment : Analysis and Management

Author(s) : Jones, Charles P - Utama, Siddharta -

Valuing Intangible Assets

Author(s) : Reilly, Robert F -

Analysis of investments and management of portfolios 10th Ed.

Author(s) : Reilly, Frank K. - Brown, Keith C. -

Technical analysis for mega profit

Author(s) : Ong Edianto -

Meramal pergerakan harga saham

Author(s) : Muis, Saludin -

The Intelligent Investor

Author(s) : Graham, Benjamin -

Reksa Dana: Solusi Perencanaan Investasi di Era Modern

Author(s) : Nugraha, Ubaidillah - Pratomo, Eko Priyo -

Pasar Berjangka Komoditas dan Derivatif

Author(s) : Samsul, Mohamad -


Author(s) : Sharpe, William F -

Latihan Soal Ujian Profesi Pasar Modal

Author(s) : Samsul Mohamad, M.Si., Ak. -

Reksadana investasiku

Author(s) : Manurung, Adler Haymans -


Author(s) : Solnik, Bruno -

Berani Bermain Saham

Author(s) : Manurung, Haymans Adler -
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