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Storytelling with data : let's practice!

Author(s) : Knaflic, Cole Nussbaumer -

Blender for dummies

Author(s) : Van Gumster, Jason -

Lighting for animation : the art of visual storytelling

Author(s) : Katatikarn, Jasmine - Tanzillo, Michael -

Tracing foto menggunakan gradient mesh

Author(s) : Darmayekti, Ganjar -

Designing Web & Mobile Graphics

Author(s) : Christopher Schmitt -

Learning Blender : a hands-on guide to creating 3D animated characters 2nd Ed.

Author(s) : Villar, Oliver - Safari, an O'Reilly Media Company. -

Koreksi dan Manipulasi Foto Digital

Author(s) : K, Ian Chandra -

Teknik Menjebol Password Untuk Pemula

Author(s) : Juju, Dominikus -
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