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Matematika keuangan 5th Ed.

Author(s) : Budi Frensidy -

Jurnal matematika, sains, & teknologi Vol. 15 No.2, September 2014

Author(s) : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat -

Business research methods

Author(s) : Zikmund, William G. - Griffin, Mitch - Babin, Barry J. - Quinlan, Christina -

Introduction to renewable energy conversions

Author(s) : Capareda, Sergio C. -

Discrete mathematics and its applications

Author(s) : Rosen, Kenneth H. -

Advanced engineering mathematics

Author(s) : Kreyzig, Erwin -

Introduction to MATLAB for engineers

Author(s) : Palm III, William -

Matematika keuangan : Kumpulan soal

Author(s) : Frensidy, Budi -

Schaum's outline of calculus

Author(s) : Ayres, Frank - Mendelson, Elliott -

Brief calculus & Its Applications 12ed

Author(s) : Goldstein, Larry J. -

Basic Business Mathematics 2ed

Author(s) : Don, Eugene -

Discrete mathematics with applications

Author(s) : Epp, Susanna S. -

Matematika diskrit

Author(s) : Seng Hansun -
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