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Found 10 from your keywords: Subject : "Social sciences -- Research"
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Qualitative data analysis : a sourcebook of new methods

Author(s) : Saldana, Johnny - Miles, Matthew B. - Huberman, A. M. -

Internet research methods

Author(s) : Hewson, Claire -

Social research methods

Author(s) : Bryman, Alan -

The SAGE handbook of qualitative research

Author(s) : Denzin, Norman K. - Lincoln, Yvonna S. -

Designing and conducting mixed methods research

Author(s) : Creswell, John W. - Plano Clark, Vicki L. -

Information skills : finding and using the right resources

Author(s) : Grix, Jonathan - Watkins, Gerald -

The practice of social research

Author(s) : Babbie, Earl R. -