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Found 45 from your keywords: Subject : "POLITICAL SCIENCE"
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Perlindungan Terhadap Saksi dan Korban

Author(s) : Komnas Perempuan -

Mohammad hatta : Hati nurani bangsa

Author(s) : Noer,Dr. Deliar -

Dissensus : on politics and aesthetics

Author(s) : Corcoran, Steve -

Violence and civility : on the limits of political philosophy

Author(s) : Balibar, Étienne - Goshgarian, G. M. -

Rachmat Witoelar : dan perubahan iklim

Author(s) : Nugroho, Wisnu -

Understanding The Political World

Author(s) : Danziger, James N -

Biografi I.J. Kasimo: Politik Bermartabat

Author(s) : Soedarmanta, J.B. -
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